The other side of the coin…

Heard on Friday that a teacher at school and his wife were safely delivered of a daughter. That’s the news I’ve been hoping for. New life, and the hope and optimism it brings with it. Dreams and plans for the family and future open up. But how quickly it goes. Terrible twos, teenage dirtbags, allContinue reading “The other side of the coin…”

See good in something every day…..

Such sadness over the last few weeks both privately and publicly! There is a need for happier, joyful news……   My dear friend, Debbie, posted the above today and it is so true. It is better to look for something to smile about than dwell on the sadder elements of life. I have decided for aContinue reading “See good in something every day…..”

Flower of Scotland

Yesterday brought sad news, once again, that a very special teacher at school, had passed away. Tony Ward had suffered a stroke whilst on a field trip on the 21st March and spent his remaining days in hospital, surrounded by family and friends. He appeared to rally, then falter, rally and then pneumonia set in.Continue reading “Flower of Scotland”