Peace be with you

The first month of 2021 is almost done and there is a glimpse of light down a long, dark tunnel. It would seem we are doing well with vaccinations and the lockdown, whilst very hard, is reducing cases, hospitalisation, which will in turn reduce deaths. This is a positive worth having! All tests in schoolContinue reading “Peace be with you”

Plans, projects and positives

Phew, what a mad ten days, testing area set up and running. Not without challenge but at least we did it. A great team effort all round: 55 hour week all told. I am rightly proud of myself too in galvanising the staff and volunteers to make this happen, even though, truth be told, IContinue reading “Plans, projects and positives”

Lockdown 3

Returned to work on Monday with the staggered start extended only for a full national lockdown from this morning to be in force. Schools closed to the majority of students, but open for vulnerable or key worker children. Meanwhile schools have to be cleaned, sanitized, all normal operational tasks, difficult to do from home, stillContinue reading “Lockdown 3”

Another day, another u turn.

Tonight I urge readers of my blog to go to the link below. I completely agree with the frustration, rage and utter disbelief but also have the same determination not to be crushed by all of this! I went into work yesterday for 6 hours followed by reading ‘how to guides’ and looking at theContinue reading “Another day, another u turn.”