LD Day 60 ……

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog and it’s been full of twists and turns. Three weeks ago we were given unexpected but wonderful news that our youngest son, Joe and his girlfriend, Nicole, were expecting their first baby. We’ve waited until the 12 week scan to share the news…….. so BabyContinue reading “LD Day 60 ……”

VE 75 years and LD45

Today is a bank holiday, as a nation we celebrate the ending of the Second World War 75 years ago. Under normal conditions there would’ve been a street party but lockdown has put paid to this. Kevin and I were due to visit the Bombay Sapphire distillery, now postponed to a future date. Some photosContinue reading “VE 75 years and LD45”

LD 39

Another week has passed, where I haven’t posted on social media as much as usual. This last week the weather hasn’t been great and it’s been harder, and I’ve been into work four out of five days, unusual and very tiring. I caught up with friends and work colleagues both virtually and in person- strangeContinue reading “LD 39”