Bank holidays

Do you like them or loathe them? Are they a chance to catch up with chores, family or friends? Just spend at home or venture further afield? I loathe them, perhaps because I think we should do something rather than stay in, especially in retirement. So today I took myself off for a walk toContinue reading “Bank holidays”

Last day of our amazing adventure

We arrived in Buenos Aires, and even though our hotel was a few minutes from the Port it took over an hour to locate the passengers to make the short journey. Once ensconced in the hotel Emperador we sat outside in the warm sun and enjoyed lunch and drinks. Kevin and I went for aContinue reading “Last day of our amazing adventure”

That’s another fine mess you got me into Stanley.

Famous words from Hardy, (Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy) as we arrive at Port Stanley in the Falkland Islands. It was very windy and we travelled in the ship’s lifeboats to land. We saw a few dolphins as we approached. Once we arrived we got on a coach to take in a few sights asContinue reading “That’s another fine mess you got me into Stanley.”

To the Falklands

Two days at sea after our amazing five days in Antarctica. Travelling across the Scotia Sea, with conditions due to change, for this time of year, still relatively easy. I did wear my sea sickness bands though. The crew are adept at providing activities and lectures which helps pass the time. With specialists on boardContinue reading “To the Falklands”

Last day in Antarctica

As we approached Deception Island, a caldera from an active volcano, we were struck by the ruggedness of the landscape as well as seeing the steam rise from the water lapping the shore. Deception island last erupted in the 1970’s. We entered and our destination today was Whalers Bay, with the remains of buildings fromContinue reading “Last day in Antarctica”

Approaching the Ides Of March

The saying is Beware the Ides of March (15th March), but I don’t want to dwell on a negative connotation. February with extra day has come and gone, and March is going to be full of lots of exciting things. I definitely feel a lot better this week, and have managed to get a fewContinue reading “Approaching the Ides Of March”


So almost two weeks post op and every day I’m feeling a bit stronger. The first week left me feeling a wee bit sorry for myself, but a pamper session from my daughter and a visit to my cousin lifted my spirits. This past week I removed the wound dressings. I was expecting three smallContinue reading “Recovery”

July to December 2023

It’s been a full six months, with trips to Harrogate, Dublin, London, France, Barnsley, Seville and Scotland. Very frustrating that my operation to remove my gall bladder has been cancelled twice, but hopeful that it should be done by mid February. We’ve had so much fun with River, and news of a new grandson inContinue reading “July to December 2023”

July to December 2023

It’s been a full six months, with trips to Harrogate, Dublin, London, France, Barnsley, Seville and Scotland. Very frustrating that my operation to remove my gall bladder has been cancelled twice, but hopeful that it should be done by mid February We’ve had so much fun with River, and news of a new grandson inContinue reading “July to December 2023”

It’s been a while….

After meeting a friend for lunch today, she asked me about my blog and whether I had stopped it. Life has been busy and whilst on our cruise in June we met a lovely couple and he introduced me to the Snapseed app, and the use of iMovie. I’ve been playing with both, and thisContinue reading “It’s been a while….”

Busy,busy, busy

The last three weeks have been full on, trip to the theatre, visit to Scotland, trip to Chelsea Flower Show, football, London, and Brighton. Mum is slowly on the mend, she enjoyed our visit and those of so many friends and family. Hopefully the assessments required will be carried out and the support needed putContinue reading “Busy,busy, busy”

Celebrations, coronations and a couple of breaks.

A busy fortnight where we have spent time with River, celebrated the coronation of King Charles III, visited family, I’ve visited friends, family, cooked, tidied, watched cricket, rugby and had some tests and scans after my February rib/back injury has not improved. Both our sisters have celebrated wedding anniversaries: one sapphire, one silk. Warmest congratulationsContinue reading “Celebrations, coronations and a couple of breaks.”

Four weeks have just flown by

These last four weeks I have travelled to Brighton, Barnsley, Arbroath and back again. Days out with River, Easter and birthday celebrations as well as walking as much as I can. On Thursday we attended Marion’s ( Kevin’s step mum) funeral, 33 years to the day her beloved John, at the same crematorium. There wereContinue reading “Four weeks have just flown by”

All roads lead to Rome, but not without a bump

On Wednesday a change in plans for the weekend presented themselves and I was busy arranging accommodation in Rome ( over a 6N weekend). No mean feat, but I did secure some in a religious community near to where my cousin and her husband were staying. This was a huge departure for me staying somewhereContinue reading “All roads lead to Rome, but not without a bump”