
So almost two weeks post op and every day I’m feeling a bit stronger.

The first week left me feeling a wee bit sorry for myself, but a pamper session from my daughter and a visit to my cousin lifted my spirits.

This past week I removed the wound dressings. I was expecting three small incision marks, but was shocked that two were small and two were larger than I thought. I changed the dressings and all seems to be healing fine.

I also had a bit of reality check with news reports of conflicts around the world showing the harsh realities of war and some wounds that may never heal. I realise how fortunate I am.

I walked up to town yesterday which perhaps was too soon, but I must keep the momentum going to increase my strength. I’ve had a lovely week, enjoyed time with River, watched Rugby, been visited by friends, even a bit of bulb planting.

Published by Monica Mommo

Life is for living, loving and enjoying all that this world has to offer 💕🍾🌟👠💐🍰🏈🎾🏏🎼✈️

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