April Fools Day in Puerto Madryn

We arrived in this port, and were able to disembark using the gangway. We had a 3 hour walking tour around the town, although as it was Easter Monday the Welsh tea shop was closed, so that was a little disappointing. The town was founded on 28 July 1865, when 150 welsh immigrants arrived aboardContinue reading “April Fools Day in Puerto Madryn”

Relatively speaking a full week

Tuesday was busy with a trip to Surrey to visit special people, we arrived home and not long after Joe arrived with River and we enjoyed dinner together. Wednesday and it looks like we’ve got a new car, but have to wait until the 24th March… we had some fun in the garden with River,Continue reading “Relatively speaking a full week”

All roads lead to Rome, but not without a bump

On Wednesday a change in plans for the weekend presented themselves and I was busy arranging accommodation in Rome ( over a 6N weekend). No mean feat, but I did secure some in a religious community near to where my cousin and her husband were staying. This was a huge departure for me staying somewhereContinue reading “All roads lead to Rome, but not without a bump”

Living life with all it has to offer

I started this blog originally to be a chronological edict, but it soon became a written commentary of what I was doing. In part it is so that when I’m no longer here there is something written down for my family to revisit, the other reason is it’s cathartic to write things, especially when timesContinue reading “Living life with all it has to offer”

Time flies

I can’t believe it’s been eight weeks since my last blog. We’ve been busy with birthdays, trips to London, seeing family, friends, cooking, eating, planning trips: one which is far flung. Exciting times! January seems to be so much longer than 31 days in some ways, but seeing bulbs popping up in the garden remindsContinue reading “Time flies”

Almost a year ago

Last year almost to the day I found out that we were going to be grandparents, and I was thrilled. Since December 8th, River has been such a joy in our lives and I’m so proud of Joe and Nicole and how they have taken parenthood in their stride. We all know it isn’t easy,Continue reading “Almost a year ago”

A week of change

Almost two weeks after making the decision to retire, I’ve been overwhelmed by the lovely comments, many of which are surprise, expressed sadness and congratulations. Everyday that has passed has provided me with the affirmation that this timing is so right for me. A dear friend lost her husband this week, which highlights the importanceContinue reading “A week of change”

LD Day 60 ……

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog and it’s been full of twists and turns. Three weeks ago we were given unexpected but wonderful news that our youngest son, Joe and his girlfriend, Nicole, were expecting their first baby. We’ve waited until the 12 week scan to share the news…….. so BabyContinue reading “LD Day 60 ……”

LD 39

Another week has passed, where I haven’t posted on social media as much as usual. This last week the weather hasn’t been great and it’s been harder, and I’ve been into work four out of five days, unusual and very tiring. I caught up with friends and work colleagues both virtually and in person- strangeContinue reading “LD 39”

LD 33

A busy rest of the week with two trips to work, decisions to be made and ensuring that everything just seamlessly carries on in readiness for students and staff return. My role in school is definitely a solitary one and the anxiety of missing something is profoundly felt, but I can only do what IContinue reading “LD 33”

LD 12

Day 3 in bed and it’s getting very boring. I’ve had lots of lovely food, drink has been supplied regularly and a treat too. Untold episodes of SUITS watched but not past series 3 yet! A parcel arrived and it was such a sweet thought from an amazing person who has her own concerns andContinue reading “LD 12”

As we await 2020 and all that can bring…

As we are about to move from this year to the next, I thought I’d just write a précis of the year. The year itself has already been well documented with the majority of the events with photos. It started as it ended with a sad loss of dear family and also the tragic lossContinue reading “As we await 2020 and all that can bring…”

A new framework

A whirlwind week after a wonderful weekend, where we saw the Waitress and dined with dear friends. We hadn’t seen Colin and Sarah since March, and it was great to catch up. The waitress was fab too: risqué, funny and tear jerking at times, just as in real life. On Sunday we watched a thrillingContinue reading “A new framework”

Mountains out of mole hills

What a week! Sunday saw us visit a new build property, just to gain a few ideas, but this has given me further cause to see this as a viable opportunity Monday was one of two work days this week. I had been looking to go away, but couldn’t get myself together at all toContinue reading “Mountains out of mole hills”