Mothering Sunday 2024

It’s been a busy week, time with River, catching up with friends, a trip to London, and a post op check up I feel so much better and raring to go. I can get my trip planning boots on. I was lucky to get some instruction on smartphone photography from jetblacksquared and hope to useContinue reading “Mothering Sunday 2024”

Time flies

I can’t believe it’s been eight weeks since my last blog. We’ve been busy with birthdays, trips to London, seeing family, friends, cooking, eating, planning trips: one which is far flung. Exciting times! January seems to be so much longer than 31 days in some ways, but seeing bulbs popping up in the garden remindsContinue reading “Time flies”

Seaside themes, Brighton, Buxton and Bakewell…..

We’ve had a wonderful three weeks whereby we’ve been to Southend, London, Oxford, Brighton, Dudley, Barnsley, Buxton, Bakewell, Helmsley and Thirsk. We’ve visited the seaside, the countryside, been to the theatre, watched some cricket and even been down a coal mine. We’ve spent time with family and friends, enjoyed fantastic food and imbibed maybe tooContinue reading “Seaside themes, Brighton, Buxton and Bakewell…..”

Summer approaching

Summer is just around the corner with glimpses of the better weather. I’ve travelled to Scotland twice, watched Arbroath FC win, although didn’t secure promotion this year. There are so many exciting developments at the club so maybe next season. Dad would have been chuffed at their performance this season, and I can’t believe it’sContinue reading “Summer approaching”

March is here

The last four weeks have been so full of wonderful places to visit, some I’ve never been to before after living here for 36 years in March. we’ve celebrated Joe’s 30th birthday, made an addition to the garden, I’ve made cards, done some painting, and tried out a few new recipes. The recent storms wereContinue reading “March is here”

Three weeks in to 2022

It’s been a busy three weeks. We’ve established a routine for looking after River, and we’ve enjoyed time with family and friends. There’s been lots of cooking and tidying, and also plans made for trips in the coming months. It’s been quite weird looking at things to book and places to visit, but the excitementContinue reading “Three weeks in to 2022”

Day after Boxing Day

A trip to Harrods on Saturday 18th with Georgina was, as always, so enjoyable. The store was busy which was surprising with what had been in the news recently. After travelling to Scotland and back in two days, Christmas prep began in earnest and with River for two days it was busy, but fun too.Continue reading “Day after Boxing Day”

Precious moments….

Since last writing, it’s been a bit hectic. There’s been little let up in two weeks: garage clearing ( although that’s stalled), Christmas decorating in the hall, snug and living space. River has been to stay and is enthralled with the lights and baubles. A great trip to Birmingham with Debbie visiting Dudley and BridgnorthContinue reading “Precious moments….”

December around the corner

In the last three weeks I’ve enjoyed two trips to the theatre in London, been to Murrayfield and been to Scotland and back. The next three will be full of all things Christmas preparation (hopefully) and a chance to take things a little easier. A trip to see Pride and prejudice sort of, began withContinue reading “December around the corner”

Winning the lottery.

Our beloved Dad was taken into hospital on Wednesday after becoming very poorly and Elaine and I travelled up as soon as we could but Dad succumbed to the many conditions he suffered with and died in the early hours of Thursday morning, as he had lived, with dignity, quietly without fuss. This was howContinue reading “Winning the lottery.”

Almost a year ago

Last year almost to the day I found out that we were going to be grandparents, and I was thrilled. Since December 8th, River has been such a joy in our lives and I’m so proud of Joe and Nicole and how they have taken parenthood in their stride. We all know it isn’t easy,Continue reading “Almost a year ago”

A week of change

Almost two weeks after making the decision to retire, I’ve been overwhelmed by the lovely comments, many of which are surprise, expressed sadness and congratulations. Everyday that has passed has provided me with the affirmation that this timing is so right for me. A dear friend lost her husband this week, which highlights the importanceContinue reading “A week of change”

Mothering Sunday

Originally Mothering Sunday was the fourth Sunday in Lent whereby people visited the mother church: where they were baptised or the nearest cathedral. Later it was when domestic servants were allowed to visit their mums. Mother’s Day is a modern concept and the two were combined, although in some countries they are celebrated separately. TomorrowContinue reading “Mothering Sunday”

‘Twas the day……’

Christmas 2020 is complete, we survived it! Hooray! It was different in as much as there weren’t a few nights out before and not seeing more family members over the holiday. Although perversely, as we attended Kevin’s step-father’s funeral on the 23rd we did see five of the family. Quite bizarre with face masks worn,Continue reading “‘Twas the day……’”