Thirty years ago today

Thirty years ago today, Andrew John arrived safely into the world. A full head of black hair and a giant leap into the unknown. He has made us laugh, cry, shout, beam with pride, laugh some more and cry more tears as we have said goodbyes at the school gates, Brunel University and off toContinue reading “Thirty years ago today”

Flat out this weekend at a hen do, tyred out and treading very carefully!

Leaving work at 4pm was something of a treat on Friday, so I did my local farm shop jaunt then went home to get ready for a family meal. La Toscana is an Italian eaterie close to home and we had a wonderful evening, Joe held court and there was plenty of laughter. Our nieceContinue reading “Flat out this weekend at a hen do, tyred out and treading very carefully!”

In loving memory

Today, after over a year, we finally had the items purchased for Tony Ward brought outside for all to admire and enjoy! It was Sports day so with a few students in school, mainly for exams, it was a great opportunity to have them in situ. Martin Cook, an amazingly talented sculptor and his sonContinue reading “In loving memory”

Half term and 5/12 of 2018

This week has been full of work and play in equal measure. Monday was a lazy day, before a lovely roast dinner with Georgina and Jay. Tuesday, and a trip to work, busy with lots of walking. A trip to Bill’s and the cinema provided a catch up and plans for July. Wednesday and workContinue reading “Half term and 5/12 of 2018”