A week and a half

It’s been a week full to bursting. Plenty of downs and ups, and with the vaccinations moving apace, I could be done and dusted by my birthday! A wedding invitation last week to Spain, and I’ve sent off for my new passport, booked flights and accommodation-a real leap, or that’s what it feels like, intoContinue reading “A week and a half”

LD 81

Another full week with work pressure ratcheting up as we prepare for our first students since March, apart from key workers. Teams meetings, summer capital projects and the day to day routines that still have to be done whilst sourcing PPE, tape, bins and so much more. The pressure is immense and hopefully after tomorrowContinue reading “LD 81”

LD 74

Another fortnight has passed by full of food, cleaning, work and so much more unfolding on the world stage……. Two weeks ago was half term , but it didn’t feel like it. So much to prepare for and do. Last week there were zoom meetings, teams meetings and even face to face meetings! Preparing forContinue reading “LD 74”


This last year has been well documented by me, but I will post a few photos here too! As is the way, there has been highs (many) and lows (few), but that is life. How we cope with the lows is the important thing, with support of family and friends. Reading through my blogs forContinue reading “2017”

Six become four

Today Andrew and Lis were to leave us to go home, but before that, Andrew and I completed the HI parkrun. We were cheered around the 2 lap route by the rest of the family. It was my first as a ‘tourist’ and what a place to do it. We went for breakfast after ourContinue reading “Six become four”