‘Twas the day……’

Christmas 2020 is complete, we survived it! Hooray! It was different in as much as there weren’t a few nights out before and not seeing more family members over the holiday. Although perversely, as we attended Kevin’s step-father’s funeral on the 23rd we did see five of the family. Quite bizarre with face masks worn,Continue reading “‘Twas the day……’”

Tier 4

So Christmas is cancelled or at least minimise to one day. New restrictions, guidance and disappointment for so many. We seem to lurch from one thing to another. Perhaps as we approach a new year in 10 days time, now is the time to stay safe, and do what we can for each other. IContinue reading “Tier 4”

He’s here, safe and sound.

In my first sleep I came to the river And looked down Through the clear water – Only in dream Water so pure, Laced and undulant Lines of flow On its rocky bed Water of life Streaming for ever. Kathleen Jessie Raine Arriving on Tuesday morning, a healthy 7lbs 7oz a beautifully perfect grandson. MumContinue reading “He’s here, safe and sound.”