More Rugby, meetings and a new arrival….

A bit later this week for my blog, but as I have a few minutes before making dinner, so hope I can fit everything in! Firstly the joyous news that Victoria and Andy we’re safely delivered of their son Oliver Arthur. Welcome little man, you will be loved and cherished I know for sure. AfterContinue reading “More Rugby, meetings and a new arrival….”

A new framework

A whirlwind week after a wonderful weekend, where we saw the Waitress and dined with dear friends. We hadn’t seen Colin and Sarah since March, and it was great to catch up. The waitress was fab too: risqué, funny and tear jerking at times, just as in real life. On Sunday we watched a thrillingContinue reading “A new framework”


I don’t smoke so the title is a bit misleading. I’ve had such a week, mostly with all things GDPR and HR whilst having to do all the other elements of my job and prepare for Governor meetings. The reason for choosing the title is I’ve taken control of how I handle people, situations andContinue reading “Stoptober”

Three quarters of 2019

Such a busy week, starting with our niece’s baby shower. A good journey over after an early rugby match watched. Viv did Victoria proud, a delightful afternoon tea with games, laughter and love. Hopefully we will know when, what etc and that all goes well Sunday was catch up although very little was achieved. MondayContinue reading “Three quarters of 2019”