Mothering Sunday 2024

It’s been a busy week, time with River, catching up with friends, a trip to London, and a post op check up I feel so much better and raring to go. I can get my trip planning boots on. I was lucky to get some instruction on smartphone photography from jetblacksquared and hope to useContinue reading “Mothering Sunday 2024”

Approaching the Ides Of March

The saying is Beware the Ides of March (15th March), but I don’t want to dwell on a negative connotation. February with extra day has come and gone, and March is going to be full of lots of exciting things. I definitely feel a lot better this week, and have managed to get a fewContinue reading “Approaching the Ides Of March”

July to December 2023

It’s been a full six months, with trips to Harrogate, Dublin, London, France, Barnsley, Seville and Scotland. Very frustrating that my operation to remove my gall bladder has been cancelled twice, but hopeful that it should be done by mid February. We’ve had so much fun with River, and news of a new grandson inContinue reading “July to December 2023”

July to December 2023

It’s been a full six months, with trips to Harrogate, Dublin, London, France, Barnsley, Seville and Scotland. Very frustrating that my operation to remove my gall bladder has been cancelled twice, but hopeful that it should be done by mid February We’ve had so much fun with River, and news of a new grandson inContinue reading “July to December 2023”

Living life with all it has to offer

I started this blog originally to be a chronological edict, but it soon became a written commentary of what I was doing. In part it is so that when I’m no longer here there is something written down for my family to revisit, the other reason is it’s cathartic to write things, especially when timesContinue reading “Living life with all it has to offer”

Time flies

I can’t believe it’s been eight weeks since my last blog. We’ve been busy with birthdays, trips to London, seeing family, friends, cooking, eating, planning trips: one which is far flung. Exciting times! January seems to be so much longer than 31 days in some ways, but seeing bulbs popping up in the garden remindsContinue reading “Time flies”

Countdown to 2023

As we approach the last month of 2022, we crammed in a lot to November. A trip to Twickenham was up first with an average game of Rugby from England. View and weather though was good. We’ve spent time with River visiting parks, Christmas displays and Southend. I’ve seen Will Young, we’ve dined with familyContinue reading “Countdown to 2023”

Two weeks, two countries, two birthdays.

Andrew came to visit, the first time in four years, and three years since we last saw him. There was lots of catching up with family and friends in Scotland and England, so lots of miles covered. My mum was thrilled to see him, and we visited Dad’s grave which was poignant. Andrew taught KevinContinue reading “Two weeks, two countries, two birthdays.”

Where did March and April go…..

The last eight weeks have flown by with outings with River, trips to Scotland, Bruges, Spain, Surrey and Sussex. Our first tentative travel experiences were successful which have given me confidence to do more and soon. We’ve delighted in great company, fantastic food and seeing lots of family and friends. The weather has been greatContinue reading “Where did March and April go…..”

Three weeks in to 2022

It’s been a busy three weeks. We’ve established a routine for looking after River, and we’ve enjoyed time with family and friends. There’s been lots of cooking and tidying, and also plans made for trips in the coming months. It’s been quite weird looking at things to book and places to visit, but the excitementContinue reading “Three weeks in to 2022”

Day after Boxing Day

A trip to Harrods on Saturday 18th with Georgina was, as always, so enjoyable. The store was busy which was surprising with what had been in the news recently. After travelling to Scotland and back in two days, Christmas prep began in earnest and with River for two days it was busy, but fun too.Continue reading “Day after Boxing Day”

December around the corner

In the last three weeks I’ve enjoyed two trips to the theatre in London, been to Murrayfield and been to Scotland and back. The next three will be full of all things Christmas preparation (hopefully) and a chance to take things a little easier. A trip to see Pride and prejudice sort of, began withContinue reading “December around the corner”

Travel and travails

Over the last few weeks there has been much mileage put on the clock. We’ve been to Colchester, Devon, Sussex and London. We’ve gardened, completed financial wizardry and celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary. Sadly we’ve lost a couple of dear people in our lives, and that is always a time of reflection, but they bothContinue reading “Travel and travails”

Yay! Retired!

Yesterday was my last day at work. A weird situation, with no office, laptop, phone or computer at my disposal, but it was a good day nonetheless. The last six weeks without students and staff, have given me the time to process retirement and to reflect on my achievements during my sixteen year tenure. IContinue reading “Yay! Retired!”