Precious moments….

Since last writing, it’s been a bit hectic. There’s been little let up in two weeks: garage clearing ( although that’s stalled), Christmas decorating in the hall, snug and living space. River has been to stay and is enthralled with the lights and baubles.

A great trip to Birmingham with Debbie visiting Dudley and Bridgnorth and a surprise to see the great Tom Hiddleston in the ‘ play what I wrote’. Oh how we did laugh. We enjoyed great food, the Balti was outstanding! On Sunday an impromptu trip to see some cousins was so special too.

Next up was mince pies, cake icing, planning, River duty and his birthday on Wednesday. What a year it has been, and River delights us all. He’s interested in all that goes on around him and gives us all so much joy. Friday was a lunch out with old friends and reaffirmed the decision to retire was so right for us.

Today we had a party for River’s first birthday and an early start. There were balloons, party bags, food, cake and family and friends. The little man seemed to take it all in his stride, and enjoyed it as we all did. Music was playing and then Cilla Black came on with You’re my World, which immediately made me emotional as it brought back memories of my Dad.

You’re my world, you’re every breath I take
You’re my world, every move I make
Other eyes see the stars up in the skies
But for me they shine within your eyes…

I cried, and this is how I feel about those I love and hold dear.

We also had some sad news that my cat had to be put to sleep on Thursday, Smudge was secreted into our home by the kids 12 years ago ( still can’t believe how), and she went to live across the road about 8 years ago as her and Oscar didn’t get on. She did come in now and then and the fur would fly and there would be hissing. Still very sad.

Smudge as a kitten.

Published by Monica Mommo

Life is for living, loving and enjoying all that this world has to offer 💕🍾🌟👠💐🍰🏈🎾🏏🎼✈️

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